
Matrices for UPR 28 now available for NGO input

As the third cycle of the UPR begins, and with the aim of improving the effectiveness of written submissions, the OHCHR has developed new guidelines for "other stakeholders" and has devised 'Matrices of recommendations of countries to be reviewed during the 3rd cycle of the UPR'. The purpose of the matrices is to collect precise and specific information on the level of implementation, in the State under review, of both the accepted and noted recommendations from their previous reviews. They will be used by the OHCHR to draft the document on the summary of other stakeholders' information.

The guidelines, which offer essential support to stakeholders, explain that civil society organisations (CSOs), national human rights institutions (NHRIs), and regional mechanisms are encouraged to submit their written contributions to the OHCHR at least six months before the relevant UPR Working Group.

The upcoming deadlines for stakeholder submissions are as follows:

Stakeholders are now also encouraged to submit their completed country-specific matrix, alongside their written submissions.
The OHCHR has released a country-specific matrix for each of the 14 States that will be under review on the 28th Session this November: Argentina, Benin, Czechia, Gabon, Ghana, Guatemala, Japan, Pakistan, Peru, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Zambia. All "other stakeholders" (including CSOs and NHRIs) are encouraged to download their country matrix now available on our website, and should complete the final column in the table. The matrix provides a list of received recommendations, clustered by theme, and then allows space for "Assessment/comments on level of implementation". 

An example: